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New publication out!

Our work on SrZnVO(PO4)2 appeared in Physical Review B.

NMR evidence against a spin-nematic nature of the presaturation phase in the frustrated magnet SrZnVO(PO4)2 K. M. Ranjith, F. Landolt, S. Raymond, A. Zheludev, and M. Horvatić Phys. Rev. B 105, 134429 – Published 26 April 2022

Using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) we investigate the recently discovered presaturation phase in the highly frustrated two-dimensional spin system SrZnVO(PO4)2 [F. Landolt et al., Phys. Rev. B104, 224435 (2021)]. Our data provide two pieces of evidence against the presumed spin-nematic character of this phase: (i) NMR spectra reveal that it hosts a dipolar spin order and (ii) the T−11 relaxation rate data recorded above the saturation field can be fitted by the sum of a single-magnon term, exponential in the gap, and a critical second-order term, exponential in the triple gap, leaving no space for a nematic spin dynamics, characterized by a double-gap exponential. We explain the unexpectedly broad validity of the simple fit and the related critical spin dynamics.

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Welcome to Yanan!

Yanan Li is starting on a postdoc position in our group on Aug. 1st. Welcome Yanan!


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