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Recent publications from our group


High temperature superconductors

Superconductivity in the crystallogenide LaFeSiO1−δ with squeezed FeSi layers,

M. F. Hansen, J.-B. Vaney, C. Lepoittevin, F. Bernardini, E. Gaudin, V. Nassif, M.-A. Méasson, A. Sulpice, H. Mayaffre, M.-H. Julien, S. Tencé, A. Cano, and P. Toulemonde,

npj Quantum Mater. 7, 86 (2022).

Competition between spin ordering and superconductivity near the pseudogap boundary in La2−xSrxCuO4: insights from NMR,

I. Vinograd, R. Zhou, H. Mayaf- fre, S. Krämer, S. K. Ramakrishna, A. P. Reyes, T. Kurosawa, N. Momono, M. Oda, S. Komiya, S. Ono, M. Horio, J. Chang, and M.-H. Julien,

Phys. Rev. B 106, 054522 (2022). Editors' choice.

Edwards-Anderson parameter and local Ising-nematicity in FeSe revealed via NMR spectral broadening,

P. Wiecki, R. Zhou, M.-H. Julien, A. E. Böhmer, J. Schmalian,

Phys. Rev. B 104, 125134 (2021).

High magnetic field ultrasound study of spin freezing in La1.88Sr0.12CuO4,

M. Frachet, S. Benhabib, I. Vinograd, S.-F. Wu, B. Vignolle, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, T. Kuro- sawa, N. Momono, M. Oda, J. Chang, C. Proust, M.-H. Julien, and D. LeBoeuf,
Phys. Rev. B 103, 115133 (2021).

Locally commensurate charge-density wave with three-unit-cell periodicity in YBa2Cu3Oy,

I. Vinograd, R. Zhou, M. Hirata, T. Wu, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, R. Liang, W.N. Hardy, D.A. Bonn, and M.-H. Julien,
Nat. Commun. 12, 3274 (2021).

Singular magnetic anisotropy in the nematic phase of FeSe,

R. Zhou, D. D. Scherer, H. Mayaffre, P. Toulemonde, M. Ma, Y. Li, B. M. Andersen, and M.-H. Julien,
npj Quantum Mater. 5, 93 (2020).

Hidden magnetism at the pseudogap critical point of a high temperature superconductor,

M. Frachet, I. Vinograd, R. Zhou, S. Benhabib, S. Wu, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, S. K. Ramakrishna, A. Reyes, J. Debray, T. Kurosawa, N. Momono, M. Oda, S. Komiya, S. Ono, M. Horio, J. Chang, C. Proust, D. LeBoeuf, M.-H. Julien,

Nature Phys. 16, 1604 (2020).

Nuclear magnetic resonance study of charge density waves under hydrostatic pressure in YBa2Cu3Oy,

I. Vinograd, R. Zhou, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, R. Liang, W. N. Hardy, D. A. Bonn, and M.-H. Julien,

Phys. Rev. B 100, 094502 (2019).

Intimate link between charge density wave, pseudogap and superconducting energy scales in cuprates,

B. Loret, N. Auvray, Y. Gallais, M. Cazayous, A. Forget, D. Colson, M. H. Julien, I. Paul, M. Civelli, and A. Sacuto,

Nature Phys. 15, 771 (2019).

Unusual Interplay between Superconductivity and Field-Induced Charge Order in YBa2Cu3Oy,

J. Kacmarcik, I. Vinograd, B. Michon, A. Rydh, A. Demuer, R. Zhou, H. Mayaffre, R. Liang, W. N. Hardy, D. A. Bonn, N. Doiron-Leyraud, L. Taillefer, M.-H. Julien, C. Marcenat, and T. Klein,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 167002 (2018).

Spin susceptibility of charge ordered YBa2Cu3Oy across the upper critical field,

R. Zhou, M. Hirata, T. Wu, I. Vinograd, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, A.P. Reyes, P.L. Kuhns, R. Liang, W.N. Hardy, D.A. Bonn, and M.-H. Julien,

PNAS 114, 13148 (2017).

Quasiparticle scattering off defects and possible bound states in charge-ordered YBa2Cu3Oy,

R. Zhou, M. Hirata, T. Wu, I. Vinograd, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, A. P. Reyes, P. L. Kuhns, R. Liang, W. N. Hardy, D. A. Bonn, and M.-H. Julien,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 017001 (2017).

63Cu-NMR study of oxygen disorder in ortho-II YBa2Cu3Oy,

T. Wu, R. Zhou, M. Hirata, I. Vinograd, H. Mayaffre, R. Liang, W. N. Hardy, D. A. Bonn, T. Loew, J. Porras, D. Haug, C. T. Lin, V. Hinkov, B. Keimer, and M.-H. Julien,

Phys. Rev. B 93, 134518 (2016).

Magnetic fields make waves in cuprates,

M.-H. Julien,

Science 350, 914 (2015).

Emergence of Orbital Nematicity in the Tetragonal Phase of BaFe2(As1-xPx)2,

T. Iye, M.-H. Julien, H. Mayaffre, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, K. Ishida, H. Ikeda, S. Kasahara, T. Shibauchi, and Y. Matsuda,

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 043705 (2015). Editors' choice and News & Comment.

Incipient charge order observed by NMR in the normal state of YBa2Cu3Oy,

T. Wu, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, W.N. Hardy, R. Liang, D.A. Bonn and M.-H. Julien,

Nat. Commun. 6, 6438 (2015).

Emergence of charge order from the vortex state of a high-temperature superconductor,

T. Wu, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, P.L. Kuhns, A.P. Reyes, R. Liang, W.N. Hardy, D.A. Bonn & M.-H. Julien,

Nat. Commun. 4, 2113 (2013).

Magnetic-field-induced charge-stripe order in the high-temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy,

T. Wu, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, W. N. Hardy, R. Liang, D.A. Bonn and M.-H. Julien,

Nature 477, 191 (2011).


2D quantum spin systems

NMR evidence against a spin-nematic nature of the presaturation phase in the frustrated magnet SrZnVO(PO4)2
K. M. Ranjith, F. Landolt, S. Raymond, A. Zheludev, and M. Horvatić
Phys. Rev. B 105, 134429 (2022).

Revealing three-dimensional quantum criticality by Sr substitution in Han Purple,

S. Allenspach, P. Puphal, J. Link, I. Heinmaa, E. Pomjakushina, C. Krellner, J. Lass, G.S. Tucker, C. Niedermayer, S. Imajo, Y. Kohama, K. Kindo, S. Krämer, M. Horvatić, M. Jaime, A. Madsen, A. Mira, N. Laflorencie, F. Mila, B. Normand, C. Rüegg, R. Stern, and F. Weickert,

Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023177 (2021)

Presaturation phase in the frustrated ferro-antiferromagnet Pb2VO(PO4)2,

F. Landolt, S. Bettler, Z. Yan, S. Gvasaliya, A. Zheludev, S. Mishra, I. Sheikin, S. Krämer, M. Horvatić, A. Gazizulina, and O. Prokhnenko,

Phys. Rev. B 102, 094414 (2020)

Dynamics and field-induced order in the layered spin S = 1/2 dimer system (C5H6N2F)2CuCl4,

D. Blosser, M. Horvatić, R. Bewley, S. Gvasaliya, and A. Zheludev,

Phys. Rev. Mat. 3, 074410 (2019).

Spin dynamics in the high-field phases of volborthite,

M. Yoshida, K. Nawa, H. Ishikawa, M. Takigawa, M. Jeong, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, K. Matsui, T. Goto, S. Kimura, T. Sasaki, J. Yamaura, H. Yoshida, Y. Okamoto, and Z. Hiroi,

Phys. Rev. B 96, 180413(R) (2017). Editors’  choice

One-Third Magnetization Plateau with a Preceding Novel Phase in Volborthite,

H. Ishikawa, M. Yoshida, K. Nawa, M. Jeong, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, M. Takigawa, M. Akaki, A. Miyake, M. Tokunaga, K. Kindo, J. Yamaura, Y. Okamoto, and Z. Hiroi,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 227202 (2015).

Inhomogeneous magnetism in the doped kagome lattice of LaCuO2.66,

M.-H. Julien, V. Simonet, B. Canals, R. Ballou, A.K. Hassan, M. Affronte, V.O. Garlea, C. Darie, and P. Bordet,

Phys. Rev. B 87, 214423 (2013).

Microscopic Properties of the Pinwheel Kagome Compound Rb2Cu3SnF12,

S. Grbic, S. Krämer, C. Berthier, F. Trousselet, O. Cépas, H. Tanaka, and M. Horvatic,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 247203 (2013).

Spatially resolved magnetization in the Bose-Einstein condensed state of BaCuSi2O6 : Evidence for imperfect frustration,

S. Krämer, N. Laflorencie, R. Stern, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, H. Nakamura, T. Kimura, and F. Mila,

Phys. Rev. B 87, 180405(R) (2013).

Incomplete devil’s staircase in the magnetization curve of SrCu2(BO3)2,

M. Takigawa, M. Horvatic, T. Waki, S. Krämer, C. Berthier, F. Lévy-Bertrand, I. Sheikin, H. Kageyama, Y. Ueda, F. Mila,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 067210 (2013).


1D & quasi-1D spin systems

Competing magnetic phases in the frustrated spin-1/2 chain compound β−TeVO4 probed by NMR
M. Pregelj, A. Zorko, D. Arčon, M. Klanjšek, N. Janša, P. Jeglič, O. Zaharko, S. Krämer, M. Horvatić, and A. Prokofiev
Phys. Rev. B 105, 035145 (2022).

Direct determination of the Tomonaga-Luttinger parameter K in quasi-one-dimensional spin systems,

M. Horvatić, M. Klanjšek, and E.Orignac,

Phys. Rev. B 101, 220406(R) (2020).

Thermal effects versus spin nematicity in a frustrated spin-½ chain,

M. Pregelj, A. Zorko, D. Arčon, M. Klanjšek, O. Zaharko, S. Krämer, M. Horvatić, and A. Prokofiev,

Phys. Rev. B 102, 081104(R) (2020)

Exotic phases of frustrated antiferromagnet LiCu2O2,

A. Bush, N. Büttgen, A. A. Gippius, M. Horvatic, M. Jeong, W. Kraetschmer, V. I. Marchenko, Yu. A. Sakhratov, and L. E. Svistov,

Phys. Rev. B 97, 054428 (2018).

Detection of a Disorder-Induced Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Quantum Spin Material at High Magnetic Fields,

A. Orlova, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M. Dupont, S. Capponi, N. Laflorencie, A. Paduan-Filho, and M. Horvatic,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 177202 (2018).

Competing Bose-Glass physics with disorder-induced Bose-Einstein condensation in the doped S=1 antiferromagnet Ni(Cl1−xBrx)2-4SC(NH2)2 at high magnetic fields,

M. Dupont, S. Capponi, M. Horvatic, N. Laflorencie,

Phys. Rev. B 96, 024442 (2017).

Dynamics of bound magnon pairs in the quasi-one-dimensional frustrated magnet LiCuVO4,

K. Nawa, M. Takigawa, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, M. Yoshida, and K. Yoshimura,

Phys. Rev. B 96, 134423 (2017).

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Signature of the Spin-Nematic Phase in LiCuVO4 at High Magnetic Fields,

A. Orlova, E. L. Green, J. M. Law, D. I. Gorbunov, G. Chanda, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, R. K. Kremer, J. Wosnitza, and G. L. J. A. Rikken,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 247201 (2017). Editors’ choice and featured as a Viewpoint in Physics,

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Reveals Disordered Level-Crossing Physics in the Bose-Glass Regime of the Br-Doped Ni(Cl1−xBrx)2-4SC(NH2)2 Compound at a High Magnetic Field,

A. Orlova, R. Blinder, E. Kermarrec, M. Dupont, N. Laflorencie, S. Capponi, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, A. Paduan-Filho, and M. Horvatic,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 067203 (2017).

Nuclear magnetic resonance study of the magnetic-field-induced ordered phase in the NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2 compound,

R. Blinder, M. Dupont, S. Mukhopadhyay, M. S. Grbic, N. Laflorencie, S. Capponi, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, A. Paduan-Filho, and M. Horvatic,

Phys. Rev. B 95, 020404(R) (2017). Editors’  choice

Magnetic-Order Crossover in Coupled Spin Ladders,

M. Jeong, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, D. Schmidiger, A. Zheludev, and M. Horvatic,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 167206 (2017).

Dichotomy between Attractive and Repulsive Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids in Spin Ladders,

M. Jeong, D. Schmidiger, H. Mayaffre, M. Klanjsek, C. Berthier, W. Knafo, G. Ballon, B. Vignolle, S. Krämer, A. Zheludev, and M. Horvatic,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 106402 (2016).

Giant magnetic field dependence of the coupling between spin chains in BaCo2V2O8,

M. Klanjsek, M. Horvatic, S. Krämer, S. Mukhopadhyay, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, E. Canévet, B. Grenier, P. Lejay, and E. Orignac,

Phys. Rev. B 92, 060408(R) (2015).

Attractive Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid in a Quantum Spin Ladder,

M. Jeong, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, D. Schmidiger, A. Zheludev, and M. Horvatic,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 106404 (2013).

Field-Induced Quantum Soliton Lattice in a Frustrated Two-Leg Spin-1/2 Ladder,

F. Casola, T. Shiroka, A. Feiguin, S. Wang, M. S. Grbic, M. Horvatic, S. Krämer, S. Mukhopadhyay, K. Conder, C. Berthier, H.-R. Ott, H. M. Rønnow, Ch. Rüegg, and J. Mesot,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 187201 (2013).

Quantum-Critical Spin Dynamics in Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets,

S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Klanjsek, M. S. Grbic, R. Blinder, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, M. Horvatic, M. A. Continentino, A. Paduan-Filho, B. Chiari, and O. Piovesana,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 177206 (2012). Editors’  choice

Magnetic structure of azurite above the magnetization plateau at 1/3 of saturation,

F. Aimo, S. Krämer, M. Klanjsek, M. Horvatic, and C. Berthier,

Phys. Rev. B 84, 012401 (2011).

High resolution NMR for chemistry

Field-dependent paramagnetic relaxation enhancement in solutions of Ni(II): What happens above the NMR proton frequency of 1 GHz,

J. Kowalewski, P. H. Fries, D. Kruk, M. Odelius, A. V. Egorov, S. Krämer, H. Stork, M. Horvatić, C. Berthier,

J. Magn. Reson. 314, 106737 (2020)

Polyoxometalate-based high-spin cluster systems: a NMR relaxivity study up to 1.4 GHz/33 T,

M. Ibrahim, S. Krämer, N. Schork and G. Guthausen,

Dalton Trans. 48, 15597 (2019).

A loop-gap resonator for chirality-sensitive nuclear magneto-electric resonance (NMER),

P. Garbacz, P. Fischer, and S. Krämer,

J. Chem. Phys. 145, 104201 (2016).

Characterisation and application of ultra-high spin clusters as magnetic resonance relaxation agents,

G. Guthausen, J. R. Machado, B. Luy, A. Baniodeh, A. K. Powell, S. Krämer, F. Ranzinger, M. P. Herrling, S. Lacknere and H. Horn,

Dalton Trans. 44, 5032 (2015).

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxivities : Investigations of Ultrahigh-Spin Lanthanide Clusters from 10 MHz to 1.4 GHz,

J. R. Machado, A. Baniodeh, A. K. Powell, B. Luy, S. Krämer, and G. Guthausen,

ChemPhysChem 15, 3608 (2014).

25Mg Solid-State NMR of Magnesium Phosphates : High Magnetic Field Experiments and Density Functional Theory Calculations,

Laurencin, C. Gervais, H. Stork, S. Krämer, D. Massiot, and F. Fayon,

J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 19984 (2012).

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Solid Zirconium Halides at High Magnetic Field: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation,

Pauvert, F. Fayon, A. Rakhmatullin, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, D. Avignant, C. Berthier, M. Deschamps, D. Massiot, and C. Bessada, 91Zr

Inorg. Chem. 48, 8709 (2009).

Unconventional superconducting states in high fields

Field-angular Dependence of Pairing Interaction in URhGe: Comparison with UCoGe,

Y. Tokunaga, D. Aoki, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M.-H. Julien, C. Berthier, M. Horvatić, H. Sakai, S. Kambe, T. Hattori, and S. Araki,

JPS Conf. Proc. 30, 011037 (2020).

Field-induced reentrant superconductivity driven by quantum tricritical fluctuations in URhGe,

Y. Tokunaga, D. Aoki, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M.-H. Julien, C. Berthier, M. Horvatic, H. Sakai, T. Hattori, S. Kambe, S. Araki,

Physica B 536, 122 (2018).

Interplay between quantum fluctuations and reentrant superconductivity with a highly enhanced upper critical field in URhGe,

Y. Tokunaga, D. Aoki, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M.-H. Julien, C. Berthier, M. Horvatic, H. Sakai, T. Hattori, S. Kambe, and S. Araki,

Phys. Rev. B 93, 201112(R) (2016).

Reentrant Superconductivity Driven by Quantum Tricritical Fluctuations in URhGe : Evidence from 59Co NMR in URh0.9Co0.1Ge,

Y. Tokunaga, D. Aoki, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M.-H. Julien, C. Berthier, M. Horvatic, H. Sakai, S. Kambe, and S. Araki,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 216401 (2015). Editors’ choice

Evidence of Andreev bound states as a hallmark of the FFLO phase in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2,

H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M. Horvatic, C. Berthier, K. Miyagawa, K. Kanoda and V. F. Mitrovic,

Nature Phys. 10, 928 (2014).

Other subjects (Low-D organic conductors, Topological Insulators, …)

Second order Zeeman interaction and ferroquadrupolar order in TmVO4,
I. Vinograd, K. R. Shirer, P. Massat, Z. Wang, T. Kissikov, D. Garcia, M. D. Bachmann, M. Horvatić, I. R. Fisher and N. J. Curro
npj Quantum Mater. 7, 68 (2022)

105Pd NMR and NQR study of the cubic heavy fermion system Ce3Pd20Si6,

I. Jakovac, M. Horvatić, E. F. Schwier, A. Prokofiev, S. Paschen, H. Mitamura, T. Sakakibara, M. S. Grbić,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 245601 (2020).

High-field phase diagram of the heavy-fermion metal CeIn3: Pulsed-field NMR study on single crystals up to 56 T,

Y. Tokunaga, A. Orlova, N. Bruyant, D. Aoki, H. Mayaffre, S. Krämer, M.-H. Julien, C. Berthier, M. Horvatić, N. Higa, T. Hattori, H. Sakai, S. Kambe, and I. Sheikin,

Phys. Rev. B 99, 085142 (2019).

Nuclear magnetic resonance in high magnetic field : Application to condensed matter physics,

Claude Berthier, Mladen Horvatic, Marc-Henri Julien, Hadrien Mayaffre, Steffen Krämer,

C. R. Physique 18, 331 (2017).

Observation of an anisotropic Dirac cone reshaping and ferrimagnetic spin polarization in an organic conductor,

M. Hirata, K. Ishikawa, G. Matsuno, A. Kobayashi, K. Miyagawa, M. Tamura, C. Berthier, K. Kanoda,

Nat. Commun. 7, 12666 (2016).


Anomalous Spin Correlations and Mass-Generating Excitonic Instability of Interacting Weyl Fermions,

M. Hirata, K. Ishikawa, K. Miyagawa, M. Tamura, C. Berthier, D. Basko, A. Kobayashi, G. Matsuno & K. Kanoda,

Science 358, 1403 (2017).

Hyperfine coupling and spin polarization in the bulk of the topological insulator Bi2Se3,

S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Krämer, H. Mayaffre, H. F. Legg, M. Orlita, C. Berthier, M. Horvatic, G. Martinez, M. Potemski, B. A. Piot, A. Materna, G. Strzelecka, and A. Hruban,

Phys. Rev. B 91, 081105(R) (2015).

13C NMR study of the charge-ordered state near the superconducting transition in the organic superconductor beta-(BEDT-TTF)4[(H3O)Ga(C2O4)3]-C6H5NO2,

Y. Ihara, M. Jeong, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, M. Horvatic, H. Seki, and A. Kawamoto,

Phys. Rev. B 90, 121106(R) (2014).

Revealing the properties of Mn2Au for antiferromagnetic spintronics,

V.M.T.S. Barthem, C.V. Colin, H. Mayaffre, M.-H. Julien and D. Givord,

Nat. Commun. 4, 2892 (2013).

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