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New article on cuprate superconductivity

Our work on La2-xSrxCuO4 has appeared in Physical Review B and was selected as Editor's suggestion.

Competition between spin ordering and superconductivity near the pseudogap boundary in La2−xSrxCuO4: Insights from NMR I. Vinograd et al. Phys. Rev. B 106, 054522 – Published 31 August 2022

Spin-stripe order is a property of the high-Tc cuprate La2−xSrxCuO4 that is observed for

x ≤ 0.13 but not at larger doping because it is nullified by superconducting order. However, it can be restored by applying intense magnetic fields that erase superconductivity. The present analysis of NMR data sheds light on how glasslike freezing of spin stripes emerges from the field-induced vortex cores and how such field-induced magnetism matters for the interpretation of any experiment below the pseudogap boundary at x = 0.19.

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Welcome to Yanan!

Yanan Li is starting on a postdoc position in our group on Aug. 1st. Welcome Yanan!


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